Waking in the early hours I found myself pondering the purpose. After shuffling through the thoughts of a dream, the day's events, and the concerns for the events of the next days, I turned my thoughts to purpose. Not mine, but His.
Experience told me this early wake had purpose. I began to pray for several events that would occur over the next 2 days. There was a struggle to go deep or to stay on point with one upcoming event or activity. There was the prison outreach, and those I would meet. The hope to visit and pray with a dear friend recovering from a terrible auto accident. And of course my travel, and the purposed, yet unknown meetings - those I would influence or be influenced by.
The struggle to stay on "point" led me to Psalm 23, a favorite. Initially I drilled down to the second half verse 6.
6 And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Ah! The idea of a a place, or always in His house brings such relief these days. But that's another blog!
Done with self, my thoughts turned back to the upcoming outreach and my eyes turned bac to verse five.
5 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Fear, intimidation, and self-doubt are my enemies. They may be present but they do not get invited in to this event. Instead they watch God lavish me with every thing needed to strengthen me for the battle and the power to succeed!
Here's the good stuff! Then I read the notes below the passage ....
- Psalm 23:5 It is difficult for those living in a temperate climate to appreciate, but it was customary in hot climates to anoint the body with oil to protect it from excessive perspiration. When mixed with perfume, the oil imparted a delightfully refreshing and invigorating sensation. Athletes anointed their bodies as a matter of course before running a race. As the body, therefore, anointed with oil was refreshed, invigorated, and better fitted for action, so the Lord would anoint His “sheep” with the Holy Spirit, Whom oil symbolizes, to fit them to engage more freely in His service and run in the way He directs—in heavenly fellowship with Him.
How perfect. Thank you Lord for making me (us) fit for your service! I (we) will walk and do as you direct, positioning myself (ourselves) for success and reward.
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