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What's Your Word?

Don't have one? According to my calendar it's not too late!

Getting a "word" for the year has become a highly popular year-end activity. Some treat the act similar to the old "name it and claim it" exercise. While others make it a heart matter, passionately pursuing the voice of God. I fall in the latter group. Pressing in to not only obtain direction for the year, but to hear His confirming voice on the completion of the last. This practice has landed two truths for me (actually several more, but for the purpose of this blog we'll stick to just two) First, I don't "hear" my new word until February. This is due in part to truth #2. You see, in spite of the wisdom I've gained from, and about, my word, I still get surprised by a "new" rhema (aka understanding) that comes as each year closes. Whether it's due to the practiced review process or the intentional desire to leave nothing on the table (unreceived), God faithfully delivers a fresh perspective to the word in January. 

What was last year's word? Receptive. Is it any wonder I don't want to "leave anything on the table"?
In the spirit of not leaving you hanging, my word for 2018 is Elevate. 
... to raise or lift up; to increase the level of;
to make higher 

True to my nature, I look at the biblical definition. Strongs 968. bema (bay'-ma) n. 
...a step, a raised place. short: "the space covered by a step of the foot"  

How like God to have me (us) receive elevation as we follow Him, one step, at a time. 

It is also space or place, as with a tribunal ... where rewards and punishments are meted out. Thankfully, I don't receive what I deserve, and my reward is His.

Back to Receptive. Well sort of. Instead the exercise itself. In it's simplest of form, the idea is to identify a target, and then focus on for the days, weeks, and months ahead. Believing in advance that days will rise up to oppose it, trusting opportunities will be given to achieve it, and a measure of success will be had by year's end. 

I recently heard John Kilpatrick say "We might as well (think about the future), because everything is future from here on out!" I caught myself grinning when I gave this consideration and allowed it to become a truth. A testimony to the power of a Word to shift not only our thinking, but our way of being.

No matter whether you practice "getting" a word or not, let me personally encourage you to trust more, love harder, ask often, give increase, enjoy mission, and seek Him in all things.

PHILLIPPEANS 4:8   PROVERBS 19:21  JOHN 3:16   MATTHEW 10:40-42 


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